(This Game Was Created For the Pirate Software Game Jam 16)

Link to the Game Design document-  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MeR73mlrInaIxqRjo94umhIFr7_ZoWGRYpSdMSXmIY4/...

Codex is a stealth deduction game where you are a government drone who's sole job is to sneak through an apartment building and eliminated the dissident.


  • A/D to move left and right
  • W/S to move forward and backwards
  • F to interact with vents and dressers
  • Space to explode when the time is right


  • Observe the people as they go about their day. Each person is assigned to a specific room.
  • The dissident is the person that is committing all 3 crimes listed at the top left of the game. Innocents may only commit up to 2 crimes.
  • Once you have determined the target, wait till it is late enough and explode the target while they are in their room.
Published 16 hours ago
Authorstopher9001, Godzilla_1005, ThatMushroom, Bread_On
Made withGodot
Tags3D, Godot, Low-poly


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Cool game, I like the premise. I couldn't find the contraband though. I didn't know what to look for. Still fun to play with, the vents are a really cool mechanic